KoRS-CB Retreat 2024

Dear doctoral researchers,

We invite you to join the 15th KoRS-CB Retreat taking place from 29th to 31st of July 2024 at the Tagungszentrum Gültstein.

At the retreat you can meet your peers, practice your presentation skills, listen to exciting talks from our keynote speakers, and of course, have fun.

This year's keynote speakers are Katrin Stuber, University of Kopenhagen, Marcus Fändrich, University of Ulm,
Christoph Rademacher, University of Wien, Henning Jessen, University of Freiburg, Esther Zanin, University of Nürnberg,
Hannes Neuweiler , University of Würzburg and Esti Yeger-Lotem, The National Institute for Biotechnology in the Negev.

Registration is closed.
Abstract submission is open until 10th June 2024. Please submit your abstract here.
Poster submission is open until 10th July 2024. Please submit your poster here.

If you have questions, please contact chembiol@uni-konstanz.de

We are looking forward to seeing you at the retreat.

The organizing committee